September 5, 2023
Now that the website is live, I wanted to take a second and introduce myself. As you can see in my bio, I'm an avid reader and book lover. I read mainly fantasy and science fiction of all flavors. I love mages, wizards, witches, dragons, sword-fights, spaceships, portals to new worlds, and magical creatures. There's no feeling like being transported into wild worlds and gripping stories.
In my day job, I am a practicing attorney, but I've been obsessed with stories since I was a child reading the Chronicles of Narnia and the Hobbit. Dreams and stories live in my head. I'll get wrapped up in these story ideas playing out, and I have to jot them down or it'll drive me crazy. I wrote the first draft of my first book when I was eleven, and then again when I was sixteen, nineteen, twenty-three, and then started branching out and working on new ideas. I realized that these stories were demanding to find their way into the world, and it was time to pursue my passion. So, I'm taking the risk and putting my stories out there. I hope you all love them as much as I do.
My debut dark fantasy novel, The High Seer, will be released soon! Monsters, romance, magic, and fate all come together in this series opener.
In the works—a young adult trilogy about a wish forger and thief who must make an impossible choice. Whimsical wishes, heart-pounding heists, and dark academia collide. It's going to an editor later this year, and I'm working on getting cover artwork for it. It should be out next year. I have another adult fantasy-science-fiction crossover trilogy set after the world ends, and an elemental magic series with pirates as well. And then... the adult fantasy story I keep trying to write and rewrite that will one day become what it's always meant to be. There are some fun things coming, so please stay tuned.
If these stories interest you, please help me make them happen! Subscribe. Follow. Read. Review and recommend. I need your help to bring more worlds and characters to life.